Thursday, January 15, 2009

Florida Chick Orders Breakfast

I used to coach high school gymnastics. Every Saturday we would leave at 6:30am for an invitational...this was well before Starbucks dominated every corner of suburban America so it became a tradition that the other coaches and I would take turn picking up McDonald's breakfast for each other to eat on the way. There was a lot of superstition involved in the whole process - we had to order a sausage mcmuffin with egg and a cinnamon roll...we would then open the cinnamon rolls to see which had the most frosting - the head coach would get the one with the most, I would get the one with the least. I'm not sure exactly how I didn't feel shafted about this whole process...I guess superstition is superstition. And anyway, just in case the frosting thing didn't work as a good luck charm, it should probably be noted that we were also wearing our lucky green underwear.

It's been a while since I've been back to McDonald's for breakfast. I pick it up occasionally for the kids when we're running low on Apple Jacks or pancake mix - but rarely do I grab anything but coffee. So I decided (since we were running low on Apple Jacks and pancake mix) to pick up McDonald's for breakfast today - and to try something new.

The breakfast menu is a little odd for me. I love pancakes but am skeptical about hotcakes made en mass, I'm also concerned about the breakfast chicken. I have specific rules about food - number 1: chicken cannot under any circumstances be eaten before 12 noon, it's just not right. I decided on the sausage bisquit (is that how you spell it??) Anyway, it was fine. I rummaged through my desk drawers at work looking for a ketchup packet to cut the dry-flour taste but only found mayo and relish, (and 3 tubes of lipstick and an empty breathsavers wrapper from the day I kept the food journal) which were obviously no help.

In general I think I'll stick to McDonald's coffee, and maybe a barely-frosted cinnamon roll if I become desperate. Oh, and by the way, just in case you're food rule #2: Never eat food in the bathroom...especially if it's chicken before 12 noon.

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